Register to AGECS
It should be at least 2 letters, without any numbers/symbols.
It should be at least 2 letters, without any numbers/symbols.
You have to register using your educational email provided by your university. You can check the list of supported educational institutes from here.
It should be a valid mobile number, with the country code & without "+" sign.
This is the country detected for you. If you believe it is wrong, contact us.
If you have a referal code from a friend, you can both get free 200 points
Choose a strong password; at least 8 characters, up to 32 characters, and it must contain at least 1 number, 1 lowercase character and 1 uppercase character. It may contain a special characters (ex: ! @ # $ % & * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] | : ; < ,> . ? / \ ~ `)
It must match the password above.
It should be at least 2 letters/numbers, without any symbols.
It should be at least 4 letters, without any numbers/symbols.
It should be at least 2 letters, without any numbers/symbols.
It should be at least 2 characters, without any symbols.